
Namdonga Organic Village

Namdonga is a revenue village under 2 no khata village panchayat of Pub Nalbari development block of Nalbari district. The village is populated by around 140 Household, which is spatially divided by the Pagladia river (tributary to Brahmaputra river), almost 80 % of the demography of the village, which is comprised of various communities dependent on agriculture. In this village, Gramya Vikash Mancha, a registered non- government mksp2voluntary organisation is implementing a project titled “Mahila Kishan Shasaktikaran Pariyojana” (MKSP) with support from Ministry of Rural Development, GoI, under which women farmers of the village are unified in a common platform to promote better livelihood options for the needy and deprived women of the village.

Under the project various programs such as agricultural skill development program, exposures to advanced agricultural technology, demonstration units and systematic investment etc. are taken up with an aim to improve the socioeconomic condition of the women. To promote the village as an organic village women farmers are made aware on the organic technics of agriculture, as a result of which Akhirbad Village Organisation (VO) of the village constituting of 100 women applied for 50 vermi units under IBS Scheme of MGNREGA to the Gram Sabha on 15th August, 2016. Succeeding to it, DRDA and District Administration, Nalbari sanctioned Rs. 4,50,000 against the applied 50 vermi units where each beneficiary received Rs. 9000 for constructing and promoting vermi units.

On 2nd October, 2016, Mr. Anant Lal Gyani, DC Nalbari, Mr. Ashok Sarma, MLA, Mr. mksp4Sadananda Majumdar, GP President, Mr. Dibakar Deka,Secretary GVM laid foundation for construction of the pacca vermi units, which get constructed within one month by the Panchayat with the active participation of the women farmers. In the meantime, GVM imparted training on vermi composting among the women farmers of the village, which started decomposing process of the raw materials by the women farmers in the units. In the process of vermi composting, women farmers significantly provided labour contribution to mksp5their unit by supplying the needed organic waste and other requirements of the vermi units. These functioning vermi compost units in the village is now expected to ensure Rs. 10000-15000 additional income per annum to each of the beneficiaries covered under the scheme which will induce around Rs. 750000 per annum to the backward economy of the village. In this livelihood promotion process, MGNREGA is successfully implemented in the village and promoted the village to an organic village with participatory support from the deprived women of the village, PRI members, District Administration and voluntary organisation such as GVM.